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GSO Test

  • Belonging
  • Kindness
  • Curiosity
  • Confidence
  • Ambition
  • Pupils are happy in school. They respond well to the high expectations set by leaders, the governing body and teachers. Pupils consider staff to be kind and always there to help and support them. Staff spoke of the positive working relationships they have with pupils. They are proud to know every pupil.- Ofsted, November 2022
  • The first thing we noticed when we visited Cavendish was the smiles on the faces of the children. This is a happy place, with children and staff who are kind and compassionate to others. The children are treated as individuals with personal learning journeys, and high expectations for all. - Parent Governor
  • Cavendish is a happy, caring and nurturing school where my sons love, laugh and learn throughout each day of their education.- Parent Governor
  • One of the wonderful benefits of Cavendish being a small school is that all the children know each other. Many times I've seen an older child take an anxious-looking new starter under their wing in the playground.- Parent
  • We feel so lucky to have such a unique, nurturing school on our doorstep. All the staff go above and beyond to create a brilliant learning environment. We are proud to be part of Cavendish Primary School.- Parent Governor

Welcome to
Cavendish Primary School

A warm welcome to Cavendish Primary School.  Our one-form entry school offers a creative and dynamic environment where all children thrive and are well prepared for their future.

At the heart of our school is a sense of belonging; a place where we nurture positive relationships and self-worth, enabling us to learn.  Belonging  has a profound impact on our wellbeing, allows us to feel secure which enables us to trust, embrace change and challenge; this may be academically, socially or emotionally and can cultivate skills valuable throughout our lives. 

Ms Clare Frewer

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We have places available in our Nursery.  

We offer 30 hours funded or paid places as well as 15 hours for mornings only. 

Please contact office@cavendish.hounslow.sch.uk or call 020 8994 6835.

Book a tour to visit our school.