Our nursery has 26 places for families of 3 to 4 year olds.
Morning sessions are 8:45am-11:45am and offered free of charge. Afternoon sessions include lunch, through to 3:15pm and can either be paid for directly or through the expanded government childcare offer.
We also offer Sunset Sessions wraparound care until 5:45 pm every evening.
Applications for Nursery are made directly with school.
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 you can apply for a Nursery Class place for an immediate start. Please complete the application form and return to or the School Office.
If your child was born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 you can apply for a Nursery Class place starting September 2025. Please use this link for London Borough of Hounslow Nursery Admissions or collect a paper copy of the form from the School Office.
Working parents/carers are eligible for 30 hours free of charge if they:
- earn (on average) at least £152 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage)
- have an annual income of less than £100,000, if they are the sole parent or less than £200,000 if they are a two-parent family
You can check your eligibility here. 30-hour codes must be reconfirmed every 3-months. Please complete a declaration form each time you renew and return to the school office.
We also offer paid places for families that do not qualify for the 30 hours.
Please email or bring the application form along with your child’s birth certificate and council tax (or 3 other proof of address documents) to the school office.
Please join one of our Parent Tours to find out why we provide a fantastic setting for you child.
We currently offer 30 places in our Reception class. Children are eligible for Reception in the September of the school year in which they become 5 years old (1st September – 31st August).
The criteria for selection are different from those mentioned above for the Nursery. Having a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school.
All admissions enquiries are dealt with by the school admissions team, Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN. It is important that parents contact the Department as soon as possible when looking for a place and, for Reception classes and Secondary transfer, keep to the deadlines for application. You can call 020 8583 2711 or you can email the Hounslow admissions team here. To find out more about Hounslow admissions you can go to their website here.
In Year Admissions
We currently have a few places across the school from Year 1 to 6. Please get in touch, or 020 8994 6835, and we will be happy to show you round. Applications must be completed via London Borough of Hounslow website.
Admissions to Secondary Schools
The school will arrange a meeting for parents and children in September to discuss the process of secondary school admissions and inform them of key dates for applications.
Open days at secondary schools are held throughout September and the beginning of October and parents are encouraged to attend these events. You must apply for a secondary school place online using eAdmissions.
Full details on admission to secondary schools, along with the timetable for applications, can be found on the Hounslow Council website by clicking here.