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Ensuring that your child arrives in school every day, on time and ready to learn is the most important commitment that we ask of parents and carers.

We understand that children get unwell and may need to miss an occasional day off school. However, where children are consistently absent from school for a day or even a morning every week there is a proven negative effect on their achievement, their friendships and their overall wellbeing.

A large number of our pupils do manage to attend for 100 per cent of the time, and as a minimum we look for at least 96 per cent attendance for every pupil. 

Where a child's attendance falls consistently below 96 per cent we will request that their parent/carer comes in for a meeting to talk about the importance of good attendance. We will also seek to understand any ways in which the school is able to support families to ensure that children are in school every day and on time. Where the issue cannot be resolved at schools level and attendance does not improve, it may be necessary to involve the School Attendance Support Service (SASS) in the Local Authority, who have the power to take legal action as appropriate.

Is my child too ill for school?

Reporting Absence

If your child is going to be absent, then please let us know via the simple form below which will take less than a minute to complete:

Reporting Absence Form 

We will check the form responses each day and call you should we require any further information. You should let us know of any absence as early as possible and certainly by 9am at the latest.

The form is easy to complete and should be filled in for every day of absence to prevent the absence being unauthorised.

Term Time Leave

Term time holidays will not be authorised term-time holidays because of the disruption caused to children’s education. The Local Authority has advised Hounslow schools that such holidays are unacceptable.

Parents wishing to take their child out of school for other reasons must complete a Term Time Leave Request for consideration. The link to this form is below. 

Team Time Leave Request Form



We have a soft start between 08.45 and 08.55.  Registers are taken promptly at 08.55.  After this time your child will be marked late and will need to sign in at the school office.  From 09:00 the registers are closed and lateness has a U code affecting attendance. 

It is very important that your child is in school on time; lateness has a detrimental effect on children's learning:

  • 5 minutes late each day = 3 days of lost learning
  • 15 minutes late each day = 10 days of lost learning
  • 30 minutes late each day = 19 days of lost learning