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Cavendish School Fund (voluntary contributions)


We are so proud of Cavendish Primary School and the progress we continue to make each year.  We are dedicated to striving for excellence; ensuring that our school offers the best possible learning environment and funding is essential to this.


We would like to invite parents to make a voluntary contribution to the Cavendish School Fund.  Voluntary contributions are to support the education of children at Cavendish through the provision of resources, equipment, teaching and facilities for education in addition to those provided through public funding.  With the decline in public spending, our budgets are tighter each year and this initiative will provide essential funds to enable our school to maintain excellent standards and further improvements.


There is no obligation to make a contribution.  We know that not all families will be able to and be assured that all children are treated equally irrespective of whether or how much their parents contribute.


The Cavendish School Fund may be spent on:

  • Curriculum resources and enrichment
  • IT equipment
  • Sports equipment
  • Site developments e.g. our pond and nature area
  • External and internal refurbishment including furniture
  • Ongoing maintenance work to the buildings, which can include property developments and general upkeep;
  • Discretionary items such as pupil hardship, facility enrichment and staff wellbeing

This will enable us to ensure that we create and maintain the best school infrastructure for our current and future pupils.


Any donation, no matter how small, will make a positive difference to our school.  All contributions are treated in strict confidence.  If you would like to make a voluntary contribution it would be so gratefully received.  This may be through irregular donations or by setting up a monthly direct debit. 


A standing order can be set up easily to:


Account name:      LB Hounslow Re Cavendish Primary School

Account number: 20373414

Sort Code:               60-11-18


We thank you for your ongoing support.


Ms Clare Frewer                                          Mrs Emma Lennard

Headteacher                                                Chair of Governors