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GSO Test


 Leaders have designed a broad curriculum. They have identified the knowledge they want pupils to learn and remember. The curriculum has been well sequenced so that pupils
revisit and practise important ideas. This helps them to be well prepared for what they need to learn later in the school. For example, in the early years, children learned about the value of digits in numbers. This prepares them well for learning about larger numbers later on.

Ofsted, November 2022

Phonics  English Maths Science Computing Physical Education PSHE Geography History 

Religious EducationArt & Design Design Technology Music French

 Teachers typically check what pupils know and remember well. Leaders use this information to ensure pupils are well prepared for any future content. For example, in geography, pupils used their previous knowledge of the equator to successfully identify the location of different countries.
Leaders have recently reviewed the curriculum and have identified the precise vocabulary pupils should learn. While pupils use a range of vocabulary with precision in different subjects.

Ofsted, November 2022

 Enriching Our Curriculum

 Partnerships beyond school also enrich our curriculum and wider offer. 

Pupils’ personal development is well considered. Outdoor spaces are used to develop pupils’ understanding of eco systems, through the development of a pond and nature area...They learn about people who work in the community through visits to the school
from, for example, midwives, police officers and paramedics.

Ofsted, November 2022

Pupils appreciate the many different activities that they can attend. They enjoy attending the gardening club and growing fruit, vegetables and herbs both in the school garden and at Chiswick House. Pupils enjoy learning about nature and using the vegetables they grow in the school kitchen.

Ofsted, November 2022


Community Partnerships