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Friends of Cavendish 

Friends of Cavendish (FoC)  is the school’s Parent and Teacher Association,  in which every parent and carer is automatically part when they join the school. Membership is open to all staff members, extended family or anyone in the community who would like to support our school.

FoC is registered charity (801023) and is committed to promoting inclusion within our community and to raising money for the school to enhance the curriculum and experience of all children.

Each class has a representative who sits on the committee, seeking ideas and voluntary help from class parents and carers.   See below for more information on what the role of class rep involves. 

Events organised throughout the year are varied and bring much joy to our community e.g. our annual Spooky event in October and the colour run.  Please see below for a summary of funding and events for 2023/2024. 

foc 2023 2024 funds.pdf


To keep up to date news and events please follow us on Facebook and Instagram


If you have any questions or want to get involved please contact us via  cavendishpta@gmail.com


What does a Class Rep do?

Join ClassList

PTA Committee Positions

Model Constitution

AGM minutes

Friends of Cavendish AGM 2023-24

Friends of Cavendish Finance report 2023-24

Friends of Cavendish 2023-24 elections

Friends of Cavendish AGM 2022-23

Friends of Cavendish AGM 2021-22