Governing Board
In accordance with the Government's requirement for all governing boards, the three core strategic functions of Cavendish Governing Board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Governance arrangements
The Governing Board meets every term for a formal pre-arranged meeting but the Governors will be in school much more often. They will also be attending Premises and Finance Committee meetings each half term and other meetings called for a variety of reasons. Our Governors are hard working and committed to making Cavendish an outstanding school for your children and the community.
At our full Governing Board meetings, we receive and discuss reports from the Head of School and other members of the senior leadership team and from our various committees. We monitor the results of internal and external assessments of the children's progress and measure the impact of policies which we have adopted to help the school's work.
We oversee and set the school’s financial budget and make sure that we spend wisely. We check to make sure we are receiving good value for the money we spend. We also make sure that the school’s provision complies with current equalities and safeguarding legislation and also that the children and staff have a safe and healthy place to work in. We work as strategic partners with the Cavendish staff to plan the school’s development whilst maintaining its core vision and ethos.
Governing Board:
Emma Lennard - Chair
I am an independent primary curriculum advisor, working with primary schools across the country. I currently work with the Knowledge Schools Trust developing the Primary Knowledge Curriculum; writing curriculum content, developing
CPD for teachers and delivering training. I also deliver initial teacher training for a national multi-academy trust. I have supported the Department for Education on the development of National Professional Qualifications and the Early Years Curriculum. Before completing a PGCE with the Primary Catholic Partnership in Southampton and then teaching in central London, I worked for a member of the European Parliament in Brussels and studied International Relations at the University of Exeter. My two children attend Cavendish and are flourishing in our happy, nurturing school. I am proud to serve the children and staff at Cavendish as Chair of the Governing Body.
Jo Smith - Vice Chair
I joined Cavendish Governing Body in 2017 as a Parent Governor when my 3 children were all pupils at the school. I subsequently moved to a Co-Opted Governor position on the Governing Body and spent 2 years as Chair of Governors from October 2021- October 2023. I am currently Vice-Chair of Governors at Cavendish and I also hold a parent Governor position on the Governing Body at Chiswick School.
Since completing my PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Southampton, I have worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Thrombosis Research Institute in Chelsea, Imperial College London and I am currently based in the Department of Renal Medicine at UCL.
It's a privilege to be a part of such a wonderful school where every child is supported in their development as they journey through the school becoming confident learners and thoughtful, caring and engaged young people ready for the next phase of their education.
Lindsey Macmillan - Co-opted Governor and Chair of Finance Committee
I'm a Co-opted Governor at Cavendish, and Chair of the Finance Committee. I was co-opted based on my experience of education policy and data, as a Professor of Economics and Founding Director of the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities at UCL Institute of Education. My research is focused on social mobility and the important role that education plays in creating opportunities for children. I am passionate about improving life chances, using systematic approaches and the best possible research available to ensure that every child is given opportunities to succeed. Two of my three children currently attend Cavendish and have flourished there, because of both the wonderful teaching they receive and the warm and welcoming environment. In addition to my role at Cavendish, I am also the Deputy Chair of Governors at Queens Manor primary school in Fulham.
Lucy Dunkerley - Co-opted Governor and Safeguarding Governor
I first joined Cavendish governing body as a parent governor in 2013 when my 2 children both attended the school. I am now on my second term as a cooped governor. Before this I was Chair of PTA for 4 years. I know many children and families well who attend cavendish and love its friendly family atmosphere.
I am Associate director border crossings an intercultural theatre company, with a responsibility for education and community engagement. I lead projects with numerous schools and communities across the UK and abroad. Border Crossings produces the Origins festival and Cavendish has taken part in many of our projects- giving me the opportunity to work with staff and students.
I am also chair of Audiovisability a deaf lead charity working through music and education.
Jo Hemans - Parent Governor
I have been a parent at Cavendish since 2013. My eldest child is now at Chiswick school and my youngest is following in his big brother’s footsteps through Cavendish. I became involved in supporting the school when first (rather nervously) attending a PTA coffee morning 10 years ago, to then helping organise a range of fundraising events over the years and finally stepping up to become the Treasurer of the Friends of Cavendish in 2021.
I was very fortunate to grow up in the Lake District but relish the pace of life in London surrounded by diversity and culture. As well as being a busy mum, I have worked in a technical I.T. role within the Financial Services sector for almost 30 years.
A school plays such an important role, not just in the education of its pupils but also their personal development, supporting families and as a focus for the local community. It has been fantastic to see what has been achieved by the new leadership team and the governing board within the past couple of years. I am excited to become a part of this team and to be able to contribute to that renewed stability, future growth and making Cavendish a truly wonderful place where all of our children thrive.
Andrew Hurn - Parent Governor
I have been a parent at Cavendish and the attached Riverside Community Nursery since 2015, became a Governor at the end of 2019, and now have two daughters who are loving their Cavendish school experience and the community centred around it.
After qualifying as an engineer in Western Australia, I have spent my career in the international technology industry where I work with large organisations to help them maximise the benefits of digital technologies. My leisure time is spent outdoors wherever possible.
I am excited by the myriad opportunities that the special nature of Cavendish affords to provide excellence in education to children from a huge persity of backgrounds. Additionally I have particular interests in stimulating children to develop a love for the digital skills that will allow them to thrive, and for being physically active throughout their schooling and beyond.
Claire Knott - Parent Governor
I was elected as a parent governor in December 2021. I have two children at Cavendish and another little one at home.
I’m currently a stay at home parent but my background is in education. I’m a secondary school teacher and I taught in state schools for several years, in Oxfordshire where I trained and in London. In my last role I was head of Key Stage 3 English, and I was responsible for overseeing the curriculum and reviewing pupils’ progress, identifying where interventions and support may be needed. Part of that role also involved working with local primary schools, to ensure a continuity in the teaching and marking of literacy between Year 6 and Year 7. I also oversaw the student teacher programme in the English department, acting as a mentor and providing training and feedback.
I am passionate about education and helping children to fulfil their potential and I look forward to contributing to Cavendish in my new role as governor.
Tom Ritzema - Parent Governor
I joined the Cavendish Governing Body in November 2024. As the parent of a young child in Year 1 I am committed to seeing the school continue to thrive and develop, as well as build itself for future long-term success. I have found Cavendish to be hugely welcoming and inclusive and I am excited to take up this new role in supporting the school.
I was born in London and brought up in Essex. In my professional career I have worked for a FTSE 100 gaming company in operational roles for over 20 years and have been fortunate enough to live and work in such diverse locations as the Caribbean, Continental Europe and Asia. The experience has given me a wide range of skills that I hope will support the governing board. I am particularly passionate about the development of people and look forward to continuing to see both children and staff succeed.
David Rolo - Co-opted Governor
I have recently joined the Cavendish Governing Body (July 2022), after moving to Chiswick in 2020 and looking for opportunities to give back to the local community. I'm honoured to be part of this great team and to contribute to achieve the vision set for the school.
My background is Computer Science Engineering combined with a Master in Finance. I have lived and worked in more than 5 countries, and I currently manage the portfolio of capital investments of a Financial Services company.
I was born in Portugal, moved to London in 2012 and live in Chiswick with my wife, who was a Governor for many years, and we have a 3-year-old.
Sue Malone - Staff Governor
My association with Cavendish is unique within the current governing body as I have been a close neighbour of the school, a parent of children attending the school and, finally, a member of staff. It is through these different experiences that I feel equipped to carry out my duties as a governor effectively to ensure the best outcomes for all stakeholders especially, and most importantly, the children. I’ve seen many changes at Cavendish over the years but one thing that has remained a constant is the children - who continue to be as vibrant, engaging and joyous as ever. It is my aim for Cavendish to build and maintain its links with the local community, as I strongly believe that learning isn’t just about what teachers can bring, but about the environment and experiences around us which help to nurture and inform our children and give them all, regardless of circumstances, the best possible start in life.Clare Frewer - Headteacher Governor
My Post Graduate Certificate in Education was awarded from the Institute of Education in 1999. More recently I completed my Masters in Advanced Educational Practice, returning to UCL, Institute of Education. I am incredibly proud to be Headteacher at Cavendish, having taken up the position in Summer Term 2022. My passion for primary education continues to thrive and my desire to deliver an inclusive, ambitious and creative curriculum that nurtures every aspect of child development is at the centre of my decision making. I am highly motivated and ambitious; demonstrating a commitment to developing professionals and future leaders, developing engagement within the school community and seeking opportunities to engage with the wider community.
Donna Kay - Deputy Head & SENDCo and observer on the Governing Board
I completed my BA in Primary Education at Roehampton University. I have taught across two local primary schools in the last decade and am very excited to be part of the Cavendish Primary School community. I am committed to celebrating diversity and providing equal access and opportunities to all. I am highly motivated and passionate towards the quality of teaching and learning to ensure children are given opportunities to thrive to succeed.
Information about the Governing Board at the end of August 2023