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CHAS Summer Show - will you enter?

summer show poster 2023.pdf



CHAS (Chiswick Horticultural & Allotments Society) are holding their Summer Fair on Sunday 25th June. I have attached their poster with details of the show. Do go along if you can.

As part of their show they run competitions and we have been invited to take part. There are lots of categories but the ones most relevant to Cavendish children are below:

Class 61 -  A coloured picture of a flower, maximum A4

Class 62 -  A decorated wooden spoon

Class 63 -  A scarecrow made from natural or recycled materials

Class 64 -  A moss or miniature garden on a tray or plate, not more than 45cms in diameter

Class 65 - Design and build a bug box

They also welcome entries from children in any of the other classes in the show- details of the other categories are on their website (shown on the poster attached).

If you would like to enter the competition please bring your entry with your NAME, AGE & 'CAVENDISH PRIMARY' written on it to school by THURSDAY 22ND JUNE. (Without your name/age/school on your work it cannot be entered) They will be collected by CHAS and displayed at their Summer fair. You can enter more than one category.

Good luck!