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World Book Day

On Thursday 7th March, Cavendish Primary School will be celebrating World Book Day

Children are invited to come to school dressed as a character from a book. They are welcome to bring their favourite book to school on that day, to share and celebrate in class. 

Also on World Book Day, we'll be announcing the winners of the 'Design a book cover/bookmark' competitions being run in school - with prizes given and a costume parade at a special World Book Day Assembly for the children. 

In addition, we'll be promoting reading and books through a fun 'reading carousel' - where the older children read to the younger classes. All this alongside an exciting afternoon of activities including 'The Masked Reader'. Keep a watch out for our trailer on social media coming soon! 

If any parents would like to read to their child's class on that day, you'd be most welcome ... Perhaps your favourite children's book. 

Please let the office/Mr Stewart know if so - we'd love if you are able to help us celebrate.  


Thanks as always.