Nursery Hub
Welcome to Nursery! On this page you will find information about what we are learning about in class each week and any other information that we need to share with you. If you have any questions please do come and speak to us!
Class email address: nursery@cavendish.hounslow.sch.uk
Half Termly Overview:
Growing Calendar - please share any adventures you have at home with us. Email your photos to: nursery@cavendish.hounslow.sch.uk
We are back with a bang and straight into our new topic: Space and the Solar System.
The children have been so invested in our new project; loving learning all about the world around us.
This week we have been:
- Learning the names of the planets
- Painting planets
- Writing or tracing the names of planets
- Discovering how the moon got it's craters
- Reading and recreating ' Whatever Next!'
- Playing with astronauts on the moon
- Building space ships in the construction room
- Using shapes to make rockets
- Using our maths skills to sing '5 Little men in a flying saucer!'
Children's Birthdays
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Letters Sent Home | School Uniform |
Library Day- Wednesday
Bedtime Story Box- Monday
- School starts between 8:45am and 8:55am.Please sign in via the school office if you arrive late.
- School finishes at 3:15pm. Children collected late will be sent to aftercare and parents will incur a charge. Please wait at the Nursery outside classroom for drop off and pick up.
- Please ensure your child brings their school bookbag to school every day (not a rucksack please).
- We provide milk, fresh water and fruit every day.
- Please ensure all bags, coats, uniforms, spare clothes and shoes are labelled with your child's name.
- Please bring a water bottle to school each day.
- All children should bring in a change of clothes - this also helps in case of any toilet accidents. We encourage all the children to get involved with whatever activities they choose - this can sometimes be very messy. Our day also includes outdoor play so children may get wet.
Phonics, Reading and Maths:
We teach phonics with 'Little Wandle' Letters and Sounds Revised programme with a focus on developing children's concentration, speaking, and listening skills.
Literacy skills are encouraged by sharing stories, poems, and nursery rhymes.
Phonics and Early Reading Policy
Reading with your child is a great way to bond with them and this will have a huge impact on their learning and development. At Cavendish Nursery, we pride ourselves on providing children with the opportunity to have a wide range of books in both indoor and outdoor environments.
Additional resources:
BookTrust - The Reading Charity
Mathematics are a part of everyday learning and routines in nursery. Some objectives include:
Reciting numbers.
Subitising to 3.
Recognise 1-5.
Begin mathematical mark-making.
Notice things that are the same and those that are different.
Use positional language in everyday activities.
Coin recognition.
Notice number patterns in stories and songs.
Notice numerals that are the same- as their age or house number.
Talk about and explore 2D and 3D shapes.