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Pupil Leadership

There are many opportunities for children to develop their skills and confidence through roles with responsibility.  Beyond the classroom these include:

House Captains

Our houses have been called Phoenix, Griffin and Unicorn for many years however the role of them within school is evolving. Year 6 pupils have been elected by their peers to captain each house.  They will work to motivate and encourage their house and find ways to celebrate their achievements.  They also have opportunity to show visitors round, help with whole school events and present ideas to their house.

School Council

School Council meet fortnightly to discuss school issues, find solutions to any problems and suggest ways to improve.  They also discuss opportunities for whole school events and charity work.  Each class from Y2-6 is represented.

Reading Ambassadors

This year we are training a group of enthusiastic readers from Y2-6 to become a Reading Ambassador.  They will help to promote the love of reading, suggest good books and help in our amazing school library.  

Digital Leaders

This year, we are looking to recruit a group of skilled IT enthusiasts to help develop Computing across the school and support others in developing their skills. 


Our wonderful, leafy site needs looking after and a team of gardeners are vital in helping with this. There is ample opportunity for children across the school to get involved.