Reception Hub
Welcome to Reception Class! On this page you will find information about what we are learning about in class each week and any other information that we need to share with you. If you have any questions please do come and speak to us!
Class email address:
Week beginning: 10.2.25
Theme: Witches & Wizards
Key Story: Room on the Broom
Fire Station trip! Monday 10th February 1:30- parent helpers needed please!
Our role play is a Fire Station. Please email in a photo of your child at the fire station, dressed up as a fire fighter or standing by a fire extinguisher/ fire safety sign (or something similar):
Learning Letters: |
Phonics Learning Letters: |
Half Termly Overviews: Spring 1 |
Growing Calendar: February Challenge |
Our Gallery
Witches & Wizards
Chinese New Year
Stone Soup
Children's Birthdays
Newsletters | Letters sent home | School uniform |
Library Day- Wednesday
Class Cameras- Monday
Bedtime Story Box- Monday
Click here to read our school's Latest News
- The school day starts promptly at 8:55am. The classroom will be open from 8.45am. Please sign in via the school office if you arrive later than this. School finishes at 3:15. Please wait at the top of the stairs in the Reception outside classroom for drop off and pick up.
- Please label all your child's clothing with their name.
- Please ensure your child brings their school bookbag to school every day (not a rucksack please).
- We provide milk, fresh water and fruit every day.
Home Learning:
Each week a learning letter is produced which outlines what we are doing in class in phonics and maths and ways you can help. Most of what we suggest will be through practical activities. New learning letters are added every Friday at the top of this page. You can also find a copy of the current week's learning letter on our class noticeboard outside Reception class.
Phonics and Reading:
At Cavendish we use the Little Wandle phonics scheme. More information about this can be found on the phonics page on this website and on the Little Wandle website:
In Reception we work on Phases 2, 3 and 4. Phonics is taught through daily whole class teaching sessions at 9:30 and a range of planned activities throughout the day.
After October half term we will begin to introduce online 'e-books' that link with reading practice sessions that take place in school. More information will be given about how to access e-books when your child is ready to start using them,
A phonics learning letter is produced each week (added every Friday at the top of this page) to support your child's learning in phonics.
Maths in Reception is taught through daily whole class teaching sessions and a range of planned practical activities on offer throughout the day. We cover the following aspects across the year:
- Counting
- Recognising and comparing numbers and quantities
- Matching numerals to numbers
- Subitising (recognising amounts without needing to count)
- Number formation (how to write them)
- Numbers before and after (eg 5 comes after 4), 1 more, 1 less
- Repeating patterns
- Money
- Number bonds to 5 and 10
- Tallying and estimating
- Weight, length and capacity
- Addition and Subtraction
- Odd and Even
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Doubling and sharing equally
- Time