Wraparound Care
At Cavendish Primary School we provide wraparound care every day during term time from 7.45am-8:50am and 3:15pm-6:00pm.
We aim to provide your child with a healthy, stimulating and caring environment. All children from Nursery to Year 6 are welcome to attend.
Our age-appropriate schemes are staffed by a professional, well-qualified, friendly team and are based in The Den, a stand-alone area of the school, or in our Early Years setting.
Breakfast Club
A healthy breakfast of cereals, fruit and toast will be served between 8-8.30am.
Children can then play with our range of toys and games.
Cost £4.50 per session
After school club (Year 1 to Year 6)
Children typically play outside for part of the session with full access to the playground and then inside with access to a range of resources and activities. Children with special educational needs are very welcome.
Children have a free choice from the toast bar, plus vegetable crudites and fruit, which is all served between 4 and 4.30pm. The snacks we serve are not intended to substitute a main evening meal that a child may receive at home.
£9.50 per session.
Sunset Sessions after school care (Nursery and Reception)
Wraparound care in an early years environment, and a higher adult to child ratio.
£12.50 per session for Nursery
£9.50 per session for Reception
How to book/payments
To book a place please visit 'Accounts' in your ParentMail app and select:
- Early Risers and Breakfast Club for morning care;
- Afternoons in the Den for Y1-6 after school club;
or Sunset Sessions for Early Years (Nursery and Reception) Wraparound Care.
All sessions must be paid for in the app. No cash is accepted. You can get help to pay for wraparound care, more details are available here.
To contact wraparound care during operating hours call Jasmine or Gezime on 020 8994 6835.
We also accept Childcare vouchers/tax free child care payments for The Den. Details can be found here.