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Year 2 Hub 

This week we have: 

 In Art we have been learning about tapestries. We have all been given a board which we set up with wool going up and down. It was so much fun weaving different fabrics in and out.







  Curriculum Knowledge Organisers


PE Days: 

indoor: Wednesday- Yoga

outdoor: Tuesday- Ball Skills

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Letters sent home

School uniform


  • The school day starts promptly in class at 8.55 am. Please use the soft start from 8.45 am to ensure your child is on time. 
  • Children should bring a water bottle to school daily. 
  • Year 2 have a library book-changing slot on a Tuesday afternoon. Other reading books can be changed on any day.
  • The children are able to bring in healthy snacks for break time. No sweets, chocolates or crisps. 

Home Learning:                

Every Thursday, the children will be set home learning, see below. English and Maths have separate Home Learning books for the work to be completed in. Home learning should be handed in on the following Monday to allow time for it to be checked and returned before new tasks are set. 



Complete the words and write your own sentences.











There are bonus words taken from our KS1 common exception words.

Please copy out the words as many times as you need to so you know them for our class spelling lesson next Thursday.

Dojos are rewarded.



Please return library books on Monday.

We will then visit the library on Tuesday and send out new library books. We are encouraging children to write their own book title in the reading record during our library visit which they have really enjoyed!

The E-Collins reading books are updated weekly.


Please use the reading record to note down what has been read on E-Collins. If there are any tricky words, if children were able to re-tell the story, if they re-read speech remembering to use expression, if the story was similar to another one they have read or had a similar character etc.

*Re-reading to develop fluency and expression is a key focus in year 2.  

Some children will be moving away from E-Collins as they complete the programme and will then be choosing books independently after the initial adult guidance.



This week we have focused on using our number bonds to help add. We need to speed up our recall of these bonds so it becomes automatic!


Numbots- login is stuck in Reading Record book cover.


Next week's learning:

English: Pig the Pug- story


Maths: Grouping and repeated addition 

Ready for times tables