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Year 3 Hub

This week in Year 3: 

ᚹᛖᛚᚲᛟᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᛃᛖᚨᚱ 3

It's been another exciting week in Year 3 and we are all looking forward to our Viking workshop this Thursday afternoon! Thank you to Friends of Cavendish for funding  this workshop and enabling us to enjoy some learning outside the classroom and I look forward to sharing some pictures on the class hub next week! (In case your Viking runes knowledge is not up to date, the title above says Welcome to Year 3! ) 


In English this week, we have been planning and prepping for our Big Write next week and the children have had some wonderful ideas for their Stone Age stories.

In Maths, we have been continuing our topic of Length and Perimeter and the children have been walking around the classroom measuring as many things as they can and predicting the length of different objects around the school.  They have also been working on their Maths book presentation today and I have been so impressed by how they've applied themselves to making their work look spectacular!  

As you can see from the pictures above, we've also been busy in our other subjects - creating branching databases in our Computing lesson and comparing the Jewish Tenak and the Christian Old Testament in our RE lesson.

Curriculum Knowledge Organisers 


PE days: 

Indoor: Monday - This half term is Yoga

Outdoor: Friday - This half term is Netball

PE uniform must be worn to school on these days. 

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Latest News 


Letters sent home

School uniform


  • The school day starts promptly in class at 8.55 am. Please use the soft start from 8.45 am to ensure your child is on time. 
  • Year 3 have a library book-changing slot on a Wednesday afternoon. Normal reading books can be changed any day.
  • The children are able to bring in healthy snacks for break time.

Home learning:

Every Thursday, the children will be set home learning, see below. Most home learning will need to be completed in home learning books. 

Home learning should be handed in on the following Monday to allow time for it to be checked and returned before new tasks are set.

If children are struggling with homework, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Remember to bring back reading journals with a comment or signature on Thursday. 


Please complete the worksheet below on noun phrases and pronouns.


Spellings this week: Spring week 5

Please learn the following spellings for next week:












The worksheet has been stuck in their Maths Homework books this week. 

Every Monday, we will be practising our times tables during our Arithmetic morning session. 

Children may also practise their times tables using the link below or TTRS.

Children can practise for their Times Table Check using this link. Follow the link below to Times Tables Rock Stars. Once logged in, children should click on 'Garage' and complete the 'Heatmap' games. 

Children's login and passwords can be found stuck in at the front of Reading journals. 

 Link to Times Tables Rock Stars.  



  Next week's Learning: 

Maths: We will be continuing our new block on Length and Perimeter.

English: We are going to be writing our Big Write based on our class book Stone Age Boy.