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This week in Year 5:  

 This term in Art, we have been exploring Art from Western Africa. We have looked at Malian Antelope headdresses, the Benin Plaque and the inspiration behind them. This week we started creating our own insect cardboard reliefs.

Year 5 Class Assembly

On Thursday 13th February is the Year 5 Class Assembly at 9:00 am. We hope as many parents and careers can make it as possible! We look forward to seeing you there!

Curriculum Knowledge Organisers


PE days:

Indoor: Thursday

Outdoor: Wednesday 

PE uniform must be worn to school on these days. 

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Letters sent home 

School Uniform


  • The school day starts promptly in class at 8.55 am. Please use the soft start from 8.45 am to ensure your child is on time. If your child is late to school, please bring them to the school office to sign them in.
  • Homework will be given out on a Thursday and collected in on a Monday
  • Year 5 have a library book changing slot on a Friday afternoon. Normal reading books can be changed any day.
  • The children are able to bring in healthy snacks for break time.

Home Learning

Home learning is given every Thursday. Please return homework books for marking each Monday.


Spellings this week: 

1. alter
2. altar
3. ascent
4. assent
5. bridal
6.  bridle
7. cereal
8. serial
9. compliment
10. complement


Follow the link below to Times Tables Rock Stars. Once logged in, children should click on 'Garage' and complete the 'Heatmap' games.

 Link to Times Tables Rock Stars

Optional Challenge:

Next half-term in Science, we are learning about 'Living things', we are going to be learning about the life cycle of different groups of animals and plants. Carry out research about a particular animal, group of animals or plants.  You may want, create a book about your findings, create an art piece about your animal or present your findings in any way you want!

Next week's learning: 


 In Maths, we are learning about fractions.


 In English, we are writing a myth.